Friday, July 11, 2008

Economic Truth--Obama Ecotrash

John Chapman, a researcher at the American Enterprise Institute stated that, "...the Federal Reserve has been a poor steward of the value of the U.S. dollar, in spite of Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke’s stated commitment to strengthen the greenback. The U.S. government’s tax, trade, and regulatory policies, combined with its profligate spending, have also harmed confidence in the long-term stability of dollar-denominated asset values. Since Senator Barack Obama secured his party’s presidential nomination, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has fallen by more than 1,000 points and the dollar has sunk further, due mainly to the greater likelihood of a $280 billion tax hike after 2010 (when the Bush tax cuts will expire).
In the short run, the Fed must defend the dollar’s value with tighter monetary policy. Meanwhile, in order to minimize the pain of adjustment, Congress should reduce spending, slash the corporate tax rate, and make permanent the Bush tax cuts (which lowered marginal income tax rates and also lowered tax rates on capital gains and dividends)."

Present your arguments, based on fact, or please explain how this inexperienced, freshman senator from Illinois can counter Mr. Chapman's comments.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Training the next President?

We’ve watched our liberal media dote over Senator Obama now for 18+ months. While I still cannot understand the draw to a man that promises everything, I at least acknowledge that this guy can speak to the ignorant among us with power and prowess. Many, including myself, would consider this man a pro at manipulating an audience; Hitler was as well. Where I see a distinct divergence however, rests with the sophomoric excuses that Mr. Obama offers for his obvious ignorance. In a CNN article dated July 5, 2008, BHO states that, "One of the things I've always tried to do is learn from mistakes and get better…”
Really? Learn from mistakes and get better, DURING A PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN? I’d expect that one would be skilled in delivery LONG before running for the highest elected office in the land. Perhaps America is looking for a novice who is teachable? Are you droolers over Obama’s rhetoric serious? Hell, if you are, why don’t you run? You probably have equal qualifications!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Trust not your party!

We currently have outstanding poll numbers that reflect the conviction of our youth. Thank you non-taxpayers for your vigor and support for causes that will ultimately benefit you, long after our Obama/McCain debates have subsided...don't worry, it won't be your problem!
If you feel compelled to support the cause of freedom, democracy, and a better way of life, I ask that you write your representatives in Congress and demand that you are heard! Unless we do our part and use the "town square" to air our dissension, we will be silenced by those that want our nation to revere something less than patriotism. PLEASE DO NOT LET THIS HAPPEN! Help me help you keep our voices free and strong.

On another note, please reconcile the contradictory words of Barak Obama...the youth may bring this man of many colors close to winning our most revered office, but our seasoned experience and guidance will pave the way for a future devoid of ignorance and socialist ideals. After all, we live in AMERICA. Please help me spread the word throughout our great nation that the lives lost on the battlefield were not in vain; that the lives lost were for a greater purpose; that TRUE AMERICANS have not forgotten.
GOD BLESS AMERICA, LAND THAT I LOVE. Stand beside her, and guide her, thru the night with a light from above.
I respect and revere President Bush for all that he has accomplished for our nation and the relentless, voracious attacks he has received from our domestic enemies (the American people). Bush has not wavered from his task to keep Americans free and safe. ALL OF US OWE A DEBT OF GRATITUDE TO THIS MAN. Otherwise you should quench your thirst with oil drawn from the wells of such radicals as Castro, Ahmadinejad, and Kim.
Regardless, I offer a prayer to those in harm's way, and guidance home through the light from above.

Peace be with you.

Friday, May 23, 2008

And along comes oil...

I am the last one to bitch about Capitalism and the freedom to buy and sell on open markets. In fact, were our government, elected by us, to divorce themselves from the market fluctuations, I would probably dance a jig in the street. Unfortunately, we do not have a group of elected officials that understand free market economies. Further, I doubt many of the libs up there on the hill have ever taken an economics course at all.
Boiling all of this down, we are feeling pressure as a result of rising oil prices. The entrepreneurial spirit is denied to many of us though, because our very own government, driven by special interests, is preventing American oil companies from developing new domestic sources of the slick, black junk.
And here's the part I detest. The same protesters and lobbyists that are putting key legislators on the dole to keep our companies out of ANWR and the Gulf of Mexico are now politicking for greater independence from Saudi and Venezuela! And here's the dichotomy: they also blame President Bush for the high gas prices. Somebody please explain.

Friday, May 16, 2008

For posterity

Apparently some Americans still believe that if we incorporate socialist ideals, we will once again be a prosperous nation. For the record (something I love about the internet), these folks are dead wrong and will be held to task in the coming months (I'll freakin guarantee it).
I guess what worries me the most about this election is the long-term implications for our young folks, like my daughter...our institutions of higher learning are grooming socialists, businesses are on a downward cycle, and the media reports our only hope is Osama (I mean Obama).

Academia, am I the only one who sees parallels to Hitler? Are you still studying history in classrooms? Do you care anymore at all? Patriotism is not just a word...respect what we've achieved, stand up for what is right, and never let anyone convince you that America is not worth every ounce of your blood, sweat, and toil. You owe it to those who've made what you flaunt possible. You owe it to us.

Friday, May 2, 2008

5/2/2008 Support

Incredible; the only word I have to describe the latest developments in recent politics. BH Obama is now proposing a $15B tax on big oil. Has this guy ever worked in the private sector? In his Utopian view, we should all reap huge benefits after he fleeces our retired and soon-to-be retired of their 401k plans because the government deserves to be that much richer. Only problem is, our retirement checks are dependent on the profitability of Big Oil (unless you still subscribe to the notion that Social Security will cover your retirement expenses). If you want to question this last statement, I ask that you review your 401k prospectus before insulting yourselves with commentary...
One more stupid question for you wanna-be socialists out there...if I owned Bazooka chewing gum and sold each piece for $.05, and the government decided to tax chewing gum 10%, should I change my price to $.06 per piece to maintain the same level of profitability? Should I suck up the tax increase and subsequently lower my profit? If your family's livelihood was on the line, what would you do?
It appalls me that we have people in this country (land of the free and the home of the brave) who actually support the socialist ideas currently proposed by the libs; eg...take the profits from our companies that are obviously engaged in capitalism, and, unlike in Robin Hood, give to the corrupt government entities so that this body may spend YOUR money in a manner that suits the collective...when they pry freedom from my cold, dead hands! Tree huggers, we are about to wage war on your uneducated masses!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Are we driven toward socialism?

Viewer beware! The great thing about this blog and this country is that I have complete freedom to express my views without prejudice and more importantly, without government intervention. Having said that, I am peddling thoughts of FREEDOM and PRIDE. For those that are less inclined or more backward-assed, America's Constitution has secured for you unalienable rights and liberties, among which is the right to express your opinions without censorship. These very rights are the fundamental purpose of my prose, and integral to that feeling, that meaning behind being an American.
With this disclaimer, I begin my crusade to change the mindset of some Americans who falsely believe that a vote for the left is not also a vote for Socialism. Even though I will not delve into the historical underpinnings of our present day situation until my next blog, take from this initial diatribe that we stand on the brink of disaster in America. Borne not from economic, diplomatic, or even Presidential faults, our ultimate undoing resides within our ranks and it will not rest until we burn/tread upon (see U of M, Farmington social experiment) the red, white, and blue. At moments like this, I am drawn to the words of a song we all learned at young age:
My Country 'tis of thee,
Sweet land of Liberty,
Of thee I sing.
Land where my Fathers died,
Land of the Pilgrims' pride,
From every mountainside,
Ours is the greatest challenge and opportunity for the immediate future, as well as for that of our posterity. Stay tuned...