Saturday, July 5, 2008

Training the next President?

We’ve watched our liberal media dote over Senator Obama now for 18+ months. While I still cannot understand the draw to a man that promises everything, I at least acknowledge that this guy can speak to the ignorant among us with power and prowess. Many, including myself, would consider this man a pro at manipulating an audience; Hitler was as well. Where I see a distinct divergence however, rests with the sophomoric excuses that Mr. Obama offers for his obvious ignorance. In a CNN article dated July 5, 2008, BHO states that, "One of the things I've always tried to do is learn from mistakes and get better…”
Really? Learn from mistakes and get better, DURING A PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN? I’d expect that one would be skilled in delivery LONG before running for the highest elected office in the land. Perhaps America is looking for a novice who is teachable? Are you droolers over Obama’s rhetoric serious? Hell, if you are, why don’t you run? You probably have equal qualifications!

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