Friday, May 23, 2008

And along comes oil...

I am the last one to bitch about Capitalism and the freedom to buy and sell on open markets. In fact, were our government, elected by us, to divorce themselves from the market fluctuations, I would probably dance a jig in the street. Unfortunately, we do not have a group of elected officials that understand free market economies. Further, I doubt many of the libs up there on the hill have ever taken an economics course at all.
Boiling all of this down, we are feeling pressure as a result of rising oil prices. The entrepreneurial spirit is denied to many of us though, because our very own government, driven by special interests, is preventing American oil companies from developing new domestic sources of the slick, black junk.
And here's the part I detest. The same protesters and lobbyists that are putting key legislators on the dole to keep our companies out of ANWR and the Gulf of Mexico are now politicking for greater independence from Saudi and Venezuela! And here's the dichotomy: they also blame President Bush for the high gas prices. Somebody please explain.


Anonymous said...

Jasavba said...

And you bitch about conservatives piece-mealing sound bites together! Shame on you! Regardless of our differences, the one thing I must chastise you for is the fact that you want American citizens to wantonly give up freedom for some kind of socialist representation. Before you attempt denial, please confess your support for the socialist, Barack Obama. Once you pledge your allegiance to his "absent flag", we can discuss issues as adults.

Anonymous said...

those clips were not mashed up comments taken out of context, but the reality of McCain's duplicity when it comes to his political statements. if you're going to make such a claim, you should at least tell me how these comments were taken out of context. I have seen myself whole interviews with McCain, most notably with George Stephanopolous, where he obviously and grotesquely flip flops on his own words.

furthermore if you'd like to discuss me wanting to "give up freedom" you need look no further than our current (neo)conservative administration and their gross destruction of our personal freedoms. McCain's policies are so closely aligned with Bush's it's frightening. the mccain of today is a far cry from the realist mccain of the past.

lastly, yes i support obama out of the two legitimate candidates this fall, because i feel he can do so much more for america than mccain ever could. it will be great day when we see a return of our personal and constitutional rights.

Despite what you might have preconceived about my "lib" views, i yearn for the return of the equality and balance of a true republican party to the mix. from what i've seen, today's republicans have strayed from their party's true roots and maligned themselves with the harmful objectives of the neoconservatives. i'd like nothing more to see more credence placed into legitimate conservatives such as ron paul or george f will. mccain merely seems to want to pursue and further the same strategies and goals put in place by our current administration. something which will not bode well for our future.

Jasavba said...

How in the heck do you feel that Obama will return constitutionality to our nation? He advocates bigger government, states without reservation that he will raise our taxes, is willing to talk with radical leaders, and has yet to pledge his support for our troops in harm's way.
As for your rant over our current President's administration, please tell me how the man who steered this country through its worst attack in recent history is a "neo-conservative," and how he has been responsible for the "gross destruction" of our personal freedoms?
For such a long time now, we have been waiting for this freshman to take a position on anything. I guess we finally have our answer. You vote for this guy...go right ahead. I'll take the lesser of two evils and pledge McCain, because contrary to your flagrant stereotype, I love our country, it's foundation, and the freedoms that I have sworn to defend.
Until you strap on body armor and put yourself in the line of fire, I wouldn't expect you to understand anyway.

Anonymous said...

Really I'll get to Bush later, but it took me a while to get this for you because I was astounded by the fact you show such unfettered support for the man that has doubled our gas prices and sent thousands of young men and woman to the killing fields. By the way, I don't need to "strap on body armor and put myself into the line of fire," to know a thing or two about this country and reality. So I'm guessing you've been in one of our overseas conflicts right? Been out on the real crossfire? hmmm yeah.

So I just watched a laughable right wing propaganda video trying to smear Obama: .

Here are my thoughts and a bunch of links to videos and articles on these issues. I encourage you to pass this on to undecided and Republican voters. In fact, reply all and share it with the people who send you the Obama scare tactic emails. But before I get to this email, let me share some startling information:

Wage growth for the middle class is twice as high when a Democrat is president compared to a Republican:

Also, 90% of Americans would pay less taxes under Obama's proposed tax plan than under McCain's. If you make less than $112,000 as an individual (this is NOT household income, it's individual), you will pay less taxes under a president Obama than you would under a president McCain:

Okay, let's address the nonsense issues raised in the smear video...

Obama doesn't wear a flag pin? Question: When did you ever see Hillary Clinton wearing a flag pin? How about John McCain?

Obama doesn't put his hand over his heart for The National Anthem. Wow. Really, this non-story became a story? THIS is what worries people? Not Iraq, not the tanking economy, not gas prices, but where Obama had or didn't have his hand during the National Anthem? That says quite clearly to me that the Republicans know they can't win on the issues (they've had control of the country for 7 years and drove it into the ground) so they need to find and add up as many non-issues as possible and try to scare people. At any rate, click here for the truth about the Obama and the Anthem (and some of the other absurd statements made in the right wing propaganda video: ).

Obama doesn't show up for votes? Guess what the punchline to this one is? McCain has missed A LOT more votes than Obama: .

Reverend Wright. Apparently now everyone believes every word of what their Reverend, Pastor or Priest says in church…oh wait, except they don't (do you?). Can anyone name a single piece of legislation that Obama has proposed or bring up a policy position that has been negatively influenced in any way by his association with Reverend Wright? No, because it doesn't exist. Tell me, will we get lower gas prices or better health care based on what Reverend Wright said or didn't say(?): /

Obama is antisemitic? That's funny, this video suggests that because of "liberation theology" espoused by Reverend Wright, Obama is antisemitic. That's pure and utter BS on it's face. But that brings me to number 5...

What does that make John McCain in light of Reverend Hagee? McCain actively sought out Hagee's endorsement and said he was "proud" of it for months. Hagee said that God sent Hitler as the great hunter to take care of the Jews who didn't go to Israel . Hagee also said that poor people should STARVE if they aren't working . And Finally, Hagee also had plenty of terrible things to say about Catholics and the Catholic Church .

So what if McCain didn't go to Hagee's church? McCain ACTIVELY sought out this guy's endorsement and kept insisting for several months that he was proud of it until he was forced to reject it (even though Hagee's sermons got about 3% of the coverage that Wright's did).

Why do we care what Michelle Obama says? Is SHE running for president? Ok, let's assume that you do in fact care for some strange reason. She made the "for the first time in my adult life I'm proud of my country" comments which were pounced on by the right wing and taken grossly out of context. John McCain has said on multiple occasions "I didn't really love America until I was deprived of her company": Does that mean McCain hated America before he went to Vietnam? No, of course not.

By the same token, Michelle obviously didn't hate America prior to her husband running for president. It's laughable to suggest anything different. But again, why do some people seem to think that Michelle and Barack are the same person? Should we harshly question McCain because his wife Cindy was addicted to prescription drugs that she stole from a third world relief organization that she founded ? My honest answer is NO. I would NEVER think to bring up this non-story about Cindy if not for the stupid attacks on Michelle. I just did this to point out how ridiculous it is to be talking about the candidates wives, unless they are directly talking about policy.

As for John McCain, he just might be the biggest flip flopper we've seen run for president in a very long time. He makes John Kerry look rock solid by comparison. The John McCain of 2000 would never consider voting for the John McCain of 2008: One of the two worst flip-flops that McCain has had is on torture. He was strongly against it based on his experience in Vietnam. He basically said it was ineffective and un-American and he still claims he's against torture. Except that he recently voted against a bill to stop the US from torturing:

The other huge flip-flop from McCain was on tax cuts. He strongly opposed and voted against Bush's tax cuts but now he supports even bigger tax cuts for the rich. And again, 90% of Americans would pay less income taxes under Obama's proposed tax plan than under McCain's:

In fact, Obama is only raising taxes on people making more than $227,000 individually (that is NOT household income, that is individual income). Notice that McCain's tax plan benefits the top 10%, and especially the top 1% of Americans tremendously. People making over 2.9 million dollars a year individually will get almost a million dollar tax break under McCain's plan.

Finally, while it's true that no one can take away John McCain's heroism and great service to our country in Vietnam, it IS true that he has made some incredibly questionable personal decisions in his past (I only bring this up because apparently values voters seem to care). For example, the fact that he left his first wife (after she raised his kids while he was away and after she was in a severe car accident) for a beautiful, wealthy woman almost 2 decades younger than him: /

And of course who can forget the time that McCain said the following to his current wife Cindy in front of several people "At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you c#nt":

PS----Here is a short youtube video on McCain that has more than 2.5 million views, and for good reason (and look, it doesn't focus on personal attacks and guilt by association like the laughably bad Obama video did):

By the way, if anyone is watching Fox News for "Fair and Balanced" information, I would point out of the fact that the last three people hired by Fox are:

Karl Rove, Mike Huckabee and conservative talk show host Laura Ingraham. Really, is that "fair and balanced"(?):

But come on, you're telling me that Obama is supposed to be a radical liberation theologist because one of his hundreds of campaign offices happens to have one poster of a 'radical liberal'? Or do we go back to questioning Obama's former church, even though we seem to ignore the religious figures that were involved with all of the other candidates(?): By the way, if Obama is a crazy radical Christian (or Muslim, and by the way, he can't be both although obviously he's neither radical nor Muslim) why is the conservative Evangelical biographer of George W. Bush and Tom DeLay writing a rather positive book about him(?):

I mean come on, is that the best these guys have? Why doesn't this video talk about REAL issues, like who's going to do something about housing and gas prices? Who's going to keep us in Iraq for another 100 years while adding trillions of dollars to the National Debt(?):

Keep in mind that just 3 Republican presidents are responsible for over 70% of our national debt.

How about medical insurance? Speaking of medical insurance, it's funny when someone says that Democrats are for "socialized health care" or "socialized medicine". Ignore the fact that our military is socialized (aka, tax payer funded and run by the government), as are the police and fire departments we depend upon and trust to keep us safe.

When people refer to single payer health care, that just means that the government makes the insurance payments to the PRIVATE hospitals. It does NOT mean that the government runs the hospitals and hires and fires the doctors. IF the government hired and fired the hospital staff, THAT would be socialized health care, and no one, including Obama, is pushing for that on the campaign trail.

The bottom line is that the right wing is resorting to smear emails and character assassination because they have no record to run on and the country is more than ready to kick the bums out of power and give someone else a chance.

This is as good as it gets for John:

Once people find out about The Real McCain, it's all downhill from there... /

Anonymous said...

by the way blogger didn't transfer over the links so here is the original document with all the reference links

I don't expect you to actually read it all, but in case you want to actually have an open mind about things, there you go.

Anonymous said...

ah well it still didn't work. this will though

i like to back up my statements with reality base facts.

Jasavba said...

"...I was astounded by the fact you show such unfettered support for the man that has doubled our gas prices and sent thousands of young men and woman to the killing fields."
I'll start with this quote because it is so laughable as to be absurd. Seizure, in all fairness, you never did reveal your credentials, much less your reason for engaging a debate. If you have research skills beyond high school, I ask that you support your derogatory comments about our President with facts drawn from respectable sources (youtube, WP, and other second-hand liberal rags don't count). In the likely event that you have no idea of how to do research beyond the print media, I offer that you spend some time on websites such as:
and especially this stats sheet:

What you will see here is that our economy grew at a much higher rate throughout our current President's administration, than during any President prior to him. How exactly does this transcribe into President Bush doubling our gas prices?
As for sending our troops to the killing fields...first of all, it is an all volunteer force, of which I am a proud member. I enlisted during Reagan and Bush, suffered through Clinton (the worst single period in military history, in my opinion), and will retire if Obama is elected. Not a single one of us, were "sent to the killing fields." In fact, we proudly went to Afghanistan and Iraq because it was the right thing to do for our country...FOR YOU! And all we ask in return is that you love OUR COUNTRY as much as we love it; and stop trashing our President.
Can you honestly say that you have done any kind of noble service to country that grants you unalienable freedoms?

Jasavba said...

You stated that I should, " Keep in mind that just 3 Republican residents are responsible for over 70% of our national debt." Well, let's start with an even balance sheet, shall we? I mean, before we get into debt, we really need to figure our where our GDP is going. I'll offer you two programs, and ask that you research both to determine the percentage of the GDP that is spent on each. For kicks, please compare these percentages to the amount spent on our defense. Ready? How much exactly, do we spend on Social Security and Welfare programs (of which Medicare is included)?
Before parroting CNN that three Republican Presidents have run up the debt, you really should figure out where our surpluses went in the first place. Bet you didn't think about that one, did you?
Finally, I'd like to comment on your idiotic explanation for your defense of any democrat. You stated that, "the country is more than ready to kick the bums out of power and give someone else a chance."
Is that we we are down to? You want anyone, ANYONE, just as long as he or she is a democrat, if for no other purpose than to "give them a chance"? If you sincerely believe that our nation's highest office is available to whoever promises the most, you are in for a rude awakening when your wishes come true! Hitler promised everything to German people...check it out. To this day, I have not found a single German that still believes in the man; I lived in Germany for 9 years.