Friday, May 16, 2008

For posterity

Apparently some Americans still believe that if we incorporate socialist ideals, we will once again be a prosperous nation. For the record (something I love about the internet), these folks are dead wrong and will be held to task in the coming months (I'll freakin guarantee it).
I guess what worries me the most about this election is the long-term implications for our young folks, like my daughter...our institutions of higher learning are grooming socialists, businesses are on a downward cycle, and the media reports our only hope is Osama (I mean Obama).

Academia, am I the only one who sees parallels to Hitler? Are you still studying history in classrooms? Do you care anymore at all? Patriotism is not just a word...respect what we've achieved, stand up for what is right, and never let anyone convince you that America is not worth every ounce of your blood, sweat, and toil. You owe it to those who've made what you flaunt possible. You owe it to us.

1 comment:

Nic O. said...

Well, I'm afraid that we don't study history anymore as they sort of gloss over the "how he came to be in power" about Hitler and focus only on the extermination part, and you can blame that on the education system as well. But, that's probably why if you parallel Obama to Hitler people will think you're nuts because we don't see Obama suddenly killing off all the white people.