Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Rise Conservatives!

If you believe that our great nation fell in the past eight years, I have a slightly used cigar to sell you. Ignorant believers in all that the media sells you, please take a simple economics course. The NORMAL business cycle is 8-10 years. Add to the normal swing the FAILED Clinton years, where the CRA and Tech-Bubble rose and fell, and the intelligent among you will understand how we got into the situation we find ourselves in today. I'll also offer for note to the learned among us that the majority of Bush spending was the continuation of the very same social products that our Dear Leader endorsed today. You'll note that I used the pronouns "we" and "our" in my diatribe. If you are American, and believe in this country, then WE have a job to do. WE must roll up our sleeves and get to work. If YOU are sitting on the sidelines waiting for a handout, YOU need to find a new place to live. This is AMERICA. WE THE PEOPLE. It's time we take our nation back for if we don't, we are already done.

1 comment:

rightriot said...

Hey, couldn't find a comment address so I'm writing this here. Please come and join us at rightriot.com-- link to your blog posts there and we'll send you conservative blog traffic. Help us build a conservative activist network before the all-important senate elections!