Saturday, September 12, 2009

My rants - 12 Sep 09

Our country is becoming divided, not by our own choosing, but by a concerted effort with the media and left-wing bloggers leading the way. I offer that we may disagree on policy, but will always agree that America shall always be free. Anyone that professes otherwise is, in my opinion, not an American in the Constitutionalist sense of the word. Fear these people! Through my reading of thousands of blogs, I have discovered these people by their incessant derogatory comments toward our former President, George W. Bush. Ask yourself how outspoken American conservatives were toward William Clinton. Ask yourself why we tolerate antagonistic attacks on the 43rd President of the United States...the same man that has kept us safe for over 8 years. If you attack our President, personally, than you attack our country. That is my opinion. I do not like the current President, not personally, but based on his seemingly lack of Patriotism and love of America. Never shall you hear me or my constituents call him "dumb", "idiot", or any of the colorful terms cast at the 43rd President. He leads this country, toward prosperous times, or those of great peril. We, as true Americans, must vocally disagree on the issues, but remain resolute in our determination to remain a free and independent nation. Thank you for reading the ramblings of a 24-year military service member who, in fact, loves his country!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Rise Conservatives!

If you believe that our great nation fell in the past eight years, I have a slightly used cigar to sell you. Ignorant believers in all that the media sells you, please take a simple economics course. The NORMAL business cycle is 8-10 years. Add to the normal swing the FAILED Clinton years, where the CRA and Tech-Bubble rose and fell, and the intelligent among you will understand how we got into the situation we find ourselves in today. I'll also offer for note to the learned among us that the majority of Bush spending was the continuation of the very same social products that our Dear Leader endorsed today. You'll note that I used the pronouns "we" and "our" in my diatribe. If you are American, and believe in this country, then WE have a job to do. WE must roll up our sleeves and get to work. If YOU are sitting on the sidelines waiting for a handout, YOU need to find a new place to live. This is AMERICA. WE THE PEOPLE. It's time we take our nation back for if we don't, we are already done.