Friday, February 19, 2010

See clear now!

In response to the article:

Mr President,
With all respect to your position and title as C-in-C, this servicemember and homeowner in Florida, does not want your bailout money nor desires any government support. I purchased my home at an historically bad time (2006), but recognized then, like now, that my word was (and is) my bond. Therefore, I am duty-bound by my commitments to the lending agency and will do my absolute best to fulfill my obligations.
When you institute executive orders that circumvent the Constitution and our Legislative and Judical branches of government, you screw with (and pardon my blunt expression) my ability to satisfy my commitments. In other words sir, you extended my obligations to my lending agency, as the retail value of my home, based on the reduced cost of new homes, has negatively impacted the values created by your involvement. In essence, you have temporarily over-inflated the value of the real estate market and elevated beyond the temporarily deflated value of homes in my area. Now that we have current and military owners taking advantage of opportunities to liquidate homes for a fraction of what is owed, with the government picking up the difference, all the mortgages not subsidized by the Federal rescue efforts have been subsequently reduced.
I ask you Mr. Obama, if fair is fair, should we all ask for support from our Government? If we do, who is going to pay? Please stop the rhetoric and tell the American people what is the future...after all, the populace elected you on the premise of change. Incidentally, I am smart enough (and educated as well) to know that my children have no future unless our country changes its course. For the sake of our nation, our freedom, and our kids, can we please just stop the insanity and recall what our founders regaled as freedom? If we do not embrace (with hearts and minds) our naturally-born freedoms, we have nothing as a nation. More importantly my constituency, our nation's servicemembers, have nothing left to serve.