Saturday, June 28, 2008

Trust not your party!

We currently have outstanding poll numbers that reflect the conviction of our youth. Thank you non-taxpayers for your vigor and support for causes that will ultimately benefit you, long after our Obama/McCain debates have subsided...don't worry, it won't be your problem!
If you feel compelled to support the cause of freedom, democracy, and a better way of life, I ask that you write your representatives in Congress and demand that you are heard! Unless we do our part and use the "town square" to air our dissension, we will be silenced by those that want our nation to revere something less than patriotism. PLEASE DO NOT LET THIS HAPPEN! Help me help you keep our voices free and strong.

On another note, please reconcile the contradictory words of Barak Obama...the youth may bring this man of many colors close to winning our most revered office, but our seasoned experience and guidance will pave the way for a future devoid of ignorance and socialist ideals. After all, we live in AMERICA. Please help me spread the word throughout our great nation that the lives lost on the battlefield were not in vain; that the lives lost were for a greater purpose; that TRUE AMERICANS have not forgotten.
GOD BLESS AMERICA, LAND THAT I LOVE. Stand beside her, and guide her, thru the night with a light from above.
I respect and revere President Bush for all that he has accomplished for our nation and the relentless, voracious attacks he has received from our domestic enemies (the American people). Bush has not wavered from his task to keep Americans free and safe. ALL OF US OWE A DEBT OF GRATITUDE TO THIS MAN. Otherwise you should quench your thirst with oil drawn from the wells of such radicals as Castro, Ahmadinejad, and Kim.
Regardless, I offer a prayer to those in harm's way, and guidance home through the light from above.

Peace be with you.