Saturday, April 19, 2008

Are we driven toward socialism?

Viewer beware! The great thing about this blog and this country is that I have complete freedom to express my views without prejudice and more importantly, without government intervention. Having said that, I am peddling thoughts of FREEDOM and PRIDE. For those that are less inclined or more backward-assed, America's Constitution has secured for you unalienable rights and liberties, among which is the right to express your opinions without censorship. These very rights are the fundamental purpose of my prose, and integral to that feeling, that meaning behind being an American.
With this disclaimer, I begin my crusade to change the mindset of some Americans who falsely believe that a vote for the left is not also a vote for Socialism. Even though I will not delve into the historical underpinnings of our present day situation until my next blog, take from this initial diatribe that we stand on the brink of disaster in America. Borne not from economic, diplomatic, or even Presidential faults, our ultimate undoing resides within our ranks and it will not rest until we burn/tread upon (see U of M, Farmington social experiment) the red, white, and blue. At moments like this, I am drawn to the words of a song we all learned at young age:
My Country 'tis of thee,
Sweet land of Liberty,
Of thee I sing.
Land where my Fathers died,
Land of the Pilgrims' pride,
From every mountainside,
Ours is the greatest challenge and opportunity for the immediate future, as well as for that of our posterity. Stay tuned...